Everest University now offers Adult Basic Education and GED test preparation at the Dixie Center.
This program is for adults 16 and older who need to complete a high school education. Everest University offers virtual online instruction daily. Tuition is $30 per term and a valid picture ID is required.
To register or request more information contact the Dixie Center-Everest University located at 64 NE 121st Street, Cross City, FL 32628, (314) 666-2222, or [email protected].
ABE classes provide basic skills instruction in reading, language, and/or mathematics and critical thinking skills to prepare students for GED® preparation, postsecondary education, and/or employment.
The purpose of the GED® program is to prepare students to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the Official GED® Tests and get their State of Florida High School Diploma. GED® Ready, the official practice test for the GED®, is given as part of the GED® preparation program. Results of those tests will guide instruction and assess readiness for the actual GED® test. Students completing GED® preparation will also be better prepared for postsecondary education.
Learn more about the official GED® test and create an account on www.ged.com .