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February 11, 2021

Everest University Student Named FCSMA Brain Bowl Student of the Month

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Everest University student Benjamin Jacob Esau Smith has been named the Brain Bowl Student of the Month for January 2021 by the Florida University System Activities Association (FCSMA).

James Givvines, Everest University professor and Brain Bowl State Advisor, nominated Benjamin for the award.

“Ben is highly enthusiastic and really helps to push and encourage the other players in practice,” said Givvines. “He is the first one to the Zoom meetings for practice, often making it before the coach. I am honored to nominate Benjamin for this award.”

In January, the Everest University Brain Bowl Team competed in the Santa Fe Open and the National Academic Quiz Tournaments (NAQT) Community University Sectionals. Benjamin led the team in points scored at both tournaments, earning 30 and 35 points, respectively. At the Florida Gateway Open on February 5-6, Benjamin was again Everest University’s highest scorer.

Benjamin is a Dual Enrollment student from Baker County, maintains a 4.0 GPA, and will be graduating from high school this spring. He is active in multiple clubs and honor societies including: Phi Theta Kappa, the Honor Society for two-year colleges; Mu Alpha Theta, a high school Math Honor Society; and his high school Beta Club. After graduation, he plans to transfer to the University of North Florida in Fall 2021 and hopes to major in History and Political Science.

According to Givvines, Benjamin and his teammate Michael Loc Turner “have formed the nucleus of the team for the 2020-2021 season,” leading the team’s newer players in three tournaments in the fall and three more so far this spring, with at least two more to come.

Everest University’s finish in the top 16 at the NAQT Sectionals has earned them an invitation to the Community University National Championship on February 27. This will be the team’s next tournament, followed by the FCSMA State Championship on March 26-27.