The Everest University Veterans Affairs Office is located within the Office of Enrollment Services. For information contact:
Ms. Amanda Luke, Enrollment Specialist II
Phone: 386.754.4398
Email: [email protected]
Each term for which you choose to use veteran’s benefits, you must notify the Veterans Certifying Official when you register for classes, make any schedule changes, or change your major.
Each term, before the Everest University Veterans Certifying Official may certify enrollment, the eligible student must enroll for classes and sign the accountability statement to verify in writing that he/she is choosing to use veteran’s benefits for the term.
Failure to notify the Veterans Certifying Official of registration, schedule changes, or major changes may result in the delay of receipt of benefits or the student may be required to repay funds to the VA.
Follow these steps if you have never used benefits before:
Follow these steps if you have used benefits at another college:
Follow these steps if you have previously attended and used benefits at Everest University, but it has been over a year:
Follow these steps if you have never used benefits before:
Follow these steps if you have used benefits at another college:
Follow these steps if you have previously attended and used benefits at Everest University, but it has been over a year:
(For surviving spouses and children of veterans who died of a service-connected death or disability, or for surviving spouses and children of a veteran with a permanent service-connected disability)
Follow these steps if you have never used benefits before:
Follow these steps if you have used benefits at another college:
Follow these steps if you have previously attended and used benefits at Everest University, but it has been over a year:
This benefit is designed to assist veterans with a service-connected disability in obtaining and maintaining employment. A service-connected disability rating is required as part of the eligibility requirements.
You can explore the payment rates to learn more about your expected financial coverage.
Information regarding VA Tutorial Assistance can be found at:
Information regarding VA Career Counseling can be found at:
The VA does not differentiate between independent study or Hybrid courses and considers any course taught in whole or in part by any form of independent study to be independent study. Therefore, the courses listed below and any other remedial/deficiency (developmental education) courses offered as an independent study (online, hybrid, remote education) cannot be approved or certified for veteran’s/dependent’s education benefits.
38 CFR 21.4267 (g) states: Remedial and deficiency courses offered as independent study cannot be approved.
Below are examples of remedial/deficiency courses that are offered in whole or in part either online or some form of independent study:
ENC 0015 section 081
ENC 0025 section 081
MAT 0018 section 081
MAT 0028 section 081
REA 0007 sections 0I1, 0I2, H81
REA 0017 sections 0I1, 0I2, H81
Basic Housing Allowance benefits may be affected based on the type of course(s) taken. The full amount is not paid if all courses are online. Any courses taken online may impact your Basic Housing Allowance. Payment for courses that do not span the full term is not made until after the class starts and stops after the class ends. The VA makes the determination as to how you will be paid once your enrollment is submitted for processing.
In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), Everest University adopts the following additional provisions for any students using the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. Everest University will not:
However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:
These additional provisions will end on the earlier of the following dates:
1. The date on which payment from the VA is made to the institution, or
2. 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the COE.
Students are required to pay the amount that is the difference between the amount of the student’s financial obligation and the amount of the VA education benefit disbursement. If a student has an outstanding balance, a hold will be placed on his/her record. Until this obligation is fulfilled, the student will not be allowed to register or to receive transcripts.