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Operations Management Technology, M.S. (Limited Access Program)

This is a limited access program, designed to provide graduates of several certificate programs access to the technical, supervisory and managerial skills necessary to further their career growth. This program is inclusive of general education courses to ensure good communication and computational skills, as well as coursework focused on administrative roles and the development of upward mobility within a variety of respective industries. Students will have the opportunity to train in the areas of management, leadership, finance, marketing, business and human resource management. This degree will help improve individual marketability in all facets of industry.

4 programs to 1 degree!

Master of Science – Industrial Management Technology

(60 credits)

The Industrial Management Technology program is a limited access program, designed to provide graduates of certificate programs access to the technical, supervisory and management skills necessary to further career opportunities. This program is inclusive of general education courses to ensure good communication and computational skills, as well as coursework focused on managerial roles and the development of upward mobility within a variety of respective industries. Students will have the opportunity to train in the areas of management, leadership, finance, marketing, business and human resource management. This degree will help improve individual marketability in all facets of industry.

A pre-admission consultation with the Coordinator of the Industrial Management Technology M.S. (Madison Morton — 386.754.4219) program is required.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Industrial Management Technology M.S. will be able to:

  1. Recognize appropriate administrative policies, objectives, and procedures to institute organizational control and assess management effectiveness.
  2. Employ effective communication and interpersonal skills to manage and motivate others to further business objectives.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to develop small business plans, as well as competence at accessing, producing, analyzing, and interpreting marketing, financial, and operational data using common business software.
  4. Prepare financial information for management decisions, while also demonstrating ability to plan and initiate projects within a technical field.
  5. Recognize appropriate administrative policies, objectives, and procedures to institute organizational control and assess management effectiveness and quality.  

Program Requirements:  60 credits total

General Education Courses: 15 credits

Course Course Name Credits
AMH 2020 or POS 1041 United States History from 1865 or American Government 3
ENC 1101 Freshman Composition 3
Humanities Gen. Ed. Humanities Gen. Ed. Core Requirement 3
Math Gen. Ed. Mathematics Gen. Ed. Core Requirement 3
Science Gen. Ed. Natural Science Core 3

Required Major Courses: 21 credits

Course Course Name Credits
ACG 2021 Introduction to Financial Accounting 3
ACG 2071 Introduction to Managerial Accounting 3
CGS 1570 Computer Applications 3
GEB 1011 Introduction to Business 3
MAN 2021 Principles of Management 3
MAN 2300 Introduction to Human Resources Management 3
MAR 2011 Principles of Marketing 3

Technical Electives: 24 credits

Potential articulated technical programs into Technical Elective Credit:

Technical Program Clock Hours Articulated University Credits for Technical Electives
Welding, O.C. OR Welding & Advanced Welding, O.C. 1050/1800 24
Commercial Heating and Air Conditioning Technology, O.C. 1350 24
Cosmetology, O.C. 1200 24
Commercial Vehicle Driving, O.C. 320 10

Approved Career and Technical Certificate (CTC) programs shall articulate one college credit for each 30 clock hours not to exceed 24 credits. Programs must have been successfully completed. The articulated credit will be awarded after the completing three (3) credit hours (with a grade of “C” or higher) in a higher-level course. 

If articulating CDL, the remaining 14 credits can be made up of any of the following courses:

Course Course Name Credits
APA 2144 Introduction to QuickBooks 3
BUL 2241 Business Law 3
FIN 2003 Introduction to Small Business Finance 3
FIN 2104 Personal Finance 3
GEB 1949 Business Internship 3
GEB 2430 Business Ethics 3
GEB 2214 or SPC 1061 or SPC 2608 Business Communications OR Introduction to Academic and Professional Speaking OR Public Speaking 3
MAN 2043 Principles of Quality Management 3
MAN 2500 Operations Management 3
MAT 1033 Intermediate Algebra 3
SBM 2000 Small Business Management 3
SLS 2370 Personal Academic and Career Engagement 3


Team Leaders

Shop, Crew or Salon Managers

Shift Supervisors

Project Managers

Project Directors



Contact us at 386.754.4219 for more information!